There are different types of regional profiles, which vary according to the nature of the region and the reasons why the profile is being undertaken. Examples of regional profiles include:
- A study of the demographic, social, physical, economic and environmental characteristics of a region or defined area (e.g. provincial, regional or local Government). The study may identify the needs of the people living in the study area as well as the opportunities for future development and the constraints that might impede development.
- An analysis of a group within the community that share a common characteristic e.g. youth, migrants, poor.
- A profile prepared for, or by, a regional or even a community based organisation to examine its internal operation and its relationship to the wider community.
In each case the regional profile identifies the current state of the people and the resources in a region and also identified areas that could be developed to maintain and/or improve the quality of life for those in the region. Creating a regional profile is an important step in developing a regional development plan.

A team of planners developing a regional profile