Transect Analysis - References
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What is scenario Learning? Learning from the future, L.Fahey and M. Randall, eds., (1998). Wiley, USA Participatory planning methods, UNIFEM Pacific Manual (Study sourced from the internet) Sustainable Livelihoods, Unit of UNDP, Last updated November 3, 1999 (Study sourced from the internet, year and author unknown) Participatory Methods, DFID, Linda Mayoux (Study sourced from the internet, year unknown) Mangrove Community of Darwin Harbour, (Study sourced from the internet). Modified from Wightman, G.M.(1989) Mangroves of the Northern Territory. Botanical bulletin no. 7 CCNT, Palmerston, Australia EDN, Echo Development Notes, September 2000, Issue 69; Edited by Martin Price, Ph.D. An Introduction to Rapid Rural Appraisal For Agricultural Development; McCracken,. A., Pretty,. W. and Conway, G. R. (1988), , International Institute for Environment And Development, London. Rapid Appraisal for Rural Project Preparation, Ellman, A. (1981); Agricultural Administration 8 Rapid Rural Appraisal: The Critical First Step In a Farming Systems Approach to Research, Beebe, (1985), Networking Paper No. 5, Farming Systems Support Project, University of Florida, Gainsville, Florida 32601. Farming Systems Research And Development: Guidelines For Developing Countries, Shanner, W. W., Philip, P. F., and Schmehl, W. R. (1982), Boulder, Colorado, Westview Press. Animators Manual, Ghana Rural animator training programme (Study sourced from the internet, year and author unknown) Whose Eden? An Overview of Community Approaches to Wildlife Management, IIED and ODA, London, July 1994. Using cognitive mapping for strategic options development and analysis. Eden, C. (1989). J. Rosenhead, ed. |